Zimmer Biomet Recalls Implantable Spinal Fusion Stimulators Due to Potential of Harmful Chemicals Which May Be Toxic to Tissues and Organs
Recalled Product:
- Product Description: The SpF® PLUS-Mini (60μA/W) & SpF® SpF XL IIB Implantable Spinal Fusion Stimulators
- Serial Numbers:
- SpF-XL IIB: 224595, 224598, 224607, 224608, 224610, 224613, 224615, 224621, 224622, 224623, 224624, 224625, 224626, 224644, 224649, 224651, 224655, 224656, 224658, 224659, 224666, 224667
- SpF-PLUS: 410093, 410094, 410096, 410103, 410111, 410115, 410119, 410148, 410151, 410158, 410171
- Distribution Dates: March 28, 2017 to April 6, 2017
- Manufacturing Dates: October 11, 2016 to January 18, 2017
- Devices Recalled in the U.S.: 33
Device Use
The Zimmer Biomet SpF PLUS-Mini and SpF XL IIb Implantable Spinal Fusion Stimulators are used during spinal fusion surgery to increase the possibility of permanently connecting two or more bones of the spine (backbone) together. The device is implanted into the patient’s back and provides constant electrical stimulation to the surgical site.
Reason for Recall
Zimmer Biomet is recalling the SpF PLUS-Mini and SpF XL IIb Implantable Spinal Fusion Stimulators due to higher than allowed levels of potential harmful chemicals, which may be toxic to tissues and organs (cytotoxicity) and that were found during the company’s routine monitoring procedure. A cytotoxicity test is a part of the biological evaluation of medical devices to ensure compatibility with the device and the human body. A positive cytotoxicity test (failed result) can indicate that a device contains potential harmful chemicals at amounts or levels that could be dangerous to the patient.
The use of affected product may cause serious adverse health consequences, including but not limited to chronic infections, long-term hospitalization due to additional surgical procedures, paralysis, and death.
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