Thoughtful and engaging topics representing the current issues and trends in spine surgery.
Day 1
Wed, Jan 13
Selby Spine Team
6:00 | Hall
All Attendees
Welcome Reception
6:30 | Crescent
Adjourn for the Day
Day 3
Fri, Jan 15
Pierce Nunley, MD
Emerging Technologies
7:00 | Aspen
John Small, MD
4:00 | Aspen
Adjourn for the Day
Day 2
Thu, Jan 14
Richard Fessler, MD, PhD
Future of Health Care
7:00 | Aspen
Jean Jacques Abitbol, MD, FRCSC
Cervical Spine
4:00 | Aspen
Adjourn for the Day
Day 4
Sat, Jan 16
Marc Weinstein, MD
Best Paper Review
7:00 | Aspen
Jean Jacques Abitbol, MD, FRCSC
Discussion / QA / Closing Remarks
9:30 | Aspen
Adjourn for the Day
Selby Spine
The Selby Spine Conference is designed for surgeons with a special interest in the treatment of spinal disorders. The latest advances and controversies in the field will be presented through didactic lectures, open discussions, debates and case presentations. Selby Spine grew out of the Keystone Meeting that Dr. David Selby began in Keystone, Colorado in 1986.
Our discussion topics are carefully selected by our expert Directors in an effort to promote real discussion and effect best practices.