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Current Issues in Spine

February 2-4, 2017

Tiny cameras to help AHN doctors evaluate damaged knees

August 30, 2017 by OrthoSpineNews

Aug. 29, 2017 – 

Highmark Health and Allegheny Health Network are exploring handheld diagnostic technology that could one day reduce the need for MRI in diagnosing some knee injuries, such as meniscal tears.

The health care networks on Tuesday announced a collaboration with medical device company Trice Medical to evaluate a new imaging tool called mi-eye, which allows doctors to view knee joints from their offices.

The arthroscopic device provides the ability to look inside joints for signs of wear.

“I think in the select patient, this definitely has a role to play, and it will save not only time but money to the system,” said Dr. Sam Akhavan, an AHN orthopedic surgeon who is participating in the study. “Traditionally, with joint injuries, the diagnostic process can span several weeks, often including an in-office physical exam, followed by an MRI, and then a follow-up consultation and surgery if needed.”

The study will look at the effectiveness of using the device to diagnose meniscal tears on a patient’s initial visit, possibly saving time and money.

Akhavan has enrolled six patients and expects to work with 100 before issuing a final analysis.


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