North American Spine’s AccuraScope Procedure Featured on The Doctors TV Show
DALLAS, April 8, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — North American Spine™, the exclusive provider of the AccuraScope® Procedure, was featured on The Doctors TV Show, April 8, 2015. The segment was a follow up of a show that featured North American Spine on the program back in Dec. of 2013. Immediately after airing, North American Spine and the show received a flood of inquiries from viewers wanting to learn more about how the AccuraScope® Procedure changed lives.
Bernard Gonzalez was one of those callers. Gonzalez initially injured his back in high school and the pain got progressively worse over the years. He saw several specialists regarding his chronic pain but the physicians would only prescribe him medicine for pain management. Gonzalez and his wife Kim were at a standstill until they watched an episode of The Doctors TV Show featuring the AccuraScope procedure.
He called North American Spine and was confirmed as a candidate for the procedure. Gonzalez underwent the minimally invasive decompression procedures and it completely transformed his well-being. The Gonzalez family was invited to appear on the show and describe his inspiring story as a result of getting the AccuraScope procedure.
“We always keep searching and you never know when you’re going to find either your cure or the one thing that is going to improve your life drastically,” Dr.Travis Stork said to the Gonzalez family. “Clearly you found it.”
The Doctors TV Show’ original segment opened the world’s eyes to North American Spine’s innovative procedure that has relieved so many people from unbearable back pain.
“It’s so nice to see success stories like this one,” said Jon Sasser of North American Spine. “Bernie’s story is similar to hundreds we see each year. Helping to get people’s lives back to normal is our greatest reward at North American Spine. Watching the pure emotion from his wife about the pain he was in before the AccuraScope Procedure and how he’s pain-free now, is what drives us each day.”
To date, more than 8,000 AccuraScope procedures have been performed by board-certified physicians with specialty training. Medical research has shown that the AccuraScope procedure has an 82% success rate and saves patients an average of $23,190 in out-of-pocket costs over 5 years by reducing expenses including medical visits and medications.
“For The Doctors TV Show to feature a segment about the successes of North American Spine shows how popular the AccuraScope Procedure has become,” explained Sasser. “It’s giving hope to people suffering from chronic back pain.”
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