LES Society announces support for AxioMed, manufacturer of viscoelastic total disc replacement technology for the spine.
LES Society announced today it has granted its support to AxioMed, LLC, manufacturer of an advanced viscoelastic disc replacement for the spine. The LES Society has made a commitment to the advancement of spine surgeries through the application of viscoelastic total disc replacement technologies, such as AxioMed’s Freedom lumbar and cervical discs.
As part of this commitment to the advancement of spine care, LES Society has appointed Jake Lubinski as Director of Less Exposure Spine Surgery in Motion (LESSinMotion). The LESSinMotion task force, in collaboration with the LES Society, will focus exclusively on motion preservation research and development.
“As President of AxioMed, I’m honored to bring industry expertise to represent the total motion business and raise awareness through education and philanthropy at LES Society.” Mr. Lubinski said “LESSinMotion was founded as a task force to fill the void left by spine societies who no longer focus exclusively on disc arthroplasty and motion restoration.”
Total disc replacement technology adoption rates will continue to grow through partnership between LESSinMotion and surgeons that use Less Exposure Surgery techniques and technology. The evolution of total joint technology now enables restoration of joint motion with a high degree of patient satisfaction. LESSinMotion believes it can replicate this success in spine with innovative and advanced viscoelastic total disc replacements like AxioMed.
Mr. Lubinski plans to immediately bring together top minds in the spine industry. “During my first 90 days as Director of LESSinMotion, we will host a symposium dedicated to the research and development of spine motion preservation, inviting surgeons and businesses to discuss the advancement of spine care,” stated Lubinski. “Additionally, we are partnering with surgeons in Europe and Australia, where disc arthroplasty has been commonplace for years. We hope this will increase awareness in the United States”
About LESSinMotion
LESSinMotion was founded on the principle that spine motion technology and adoption must evolve for the better of the patient. LESSinMotion is an international task force of spine surgeons seeking to advance motion preservation technologies, education, and research to improve patient care.
About LES Society
The LES Society was established to be a modern organization positioned to challenge the status quo. The LES Society’s mission as a global 501c(3) not for profit is to organize physicians and patients to focus on supporting entrepreneurship, research, education, techniques, technologies, advocacy and philanthropy. The LES Society is leading the charge to prove, through bench and clinical outcomes research, that Less Exposure Surgery (LES) treatment options are the best solutions to lowering the cost of healthcare. In addition, LES options improve outcomes and patient satisfaction. These procedures are being done safely and routinely in an ambulatory surgery centers around the United States
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