Early Reviews of Zimmer Biomet/Apple’s Mymobility App
December 20, 2018 / Elizabeth Hofheinz, M.P.H., M.Ed.
Approximately two months ago, Zimmer Biomet announced the mymobility app which is meant to walk patients through pre- and post-op large joint arthroplasty care.
Joshua Carothers, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at New Mexico Orthopaedics in Albuquerque, is one of the first users of this Zimmer Biomet/Apple product. He shared his early experiences with OTW. “While our experience in the study has been limited, with just a few patients enrolled so far, people are definitely excited.”
“mymobility feels cutting-edge. Patients like using the wearable technology to guide their activity pre- and post-surgery. The basic concept of using technology to make the experience better is resonating with patients and I’m excited about using mymobility to improve care for patients with insights on things like patient complications and re-admissions, to name a couple.”
This project is of particular importance to Zimmer Biomet’s CEO Bryan Hanson. “We are incredibly excited to work with Apple to transform the knee and hip replacement experience for patients and surgeons.”
The mymobility app captures data from knee and hip replacement patients and shares it seamlessly with their doctors so that, as Jeff Williams, chief operating officer at Apple explained “They can participate in their care and recovery in a way not previously possible through traditional in-person visits. This solution will connect consumers with their doctors continuously, before and after surgery.”
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