Dr. Abitbol earned his Medical Degree from the University of Ottawa in Canada. His Internship and Residency in Orthopaedic Surgery were at McGill University. Dr. Abitbol was a Spine Fellow at Mt. Sinai and Toronto General Hospital through the University of Toronto under the training of John Kostuik, MD.
As an active member of many professional organizations, Dr. Abitbol serves as President Elect of the North American Spine Society and Past President of the Federation of Spine Association. Further, he is a member of the American Orthopaedic Association, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and Cervical Spine Research Society.
Dr. Abitbol has been the recipient of numerous awards including the Cervical Spine Research Society Award for Outstanding Spine Research, AME Traveling Fellowship Award, Young Investigator Award from the Orthopaedic Research Society, and Outstanding Spine Research from the North American Spine Society AcroMed Award.
To scientific research on spine illness and deformity, Dr. Abitbol has contributed more than 27 book chapters, published 36 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and presented 24 abstracts and 8 exhibits. He is also an Editorial Reviewer for the journal Spine.
Book Chapters:
1. WH Akeson, D Amiel, SLY Woo, JJ Abitbol, and SR Garfin: Concepts of Soft Tissue Hemostasis and Healing. IN: Contemporary Conservative Care For Painful Spine Disorders. (Eds: TG Mayer, V Mooney, R Gatchel), Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, 1991, pp 84-101.
2. FJ Eismont, SR Garfin, and JJ Abitbol: Thoracic and Upper Lumbar Spine Injuries. IN: Skeletal Trauma. (Eds. BD Browner, JB Jupiter, AM Levine, PG Trafton. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1992, pp 729-803.
3. JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Complications Associated With Posterior Instrumentation of the Spine IN: Rothman and Simeone’s, The Spine, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA 1992.
4. WH Akeson, D Amiel, M Kwan, JJ Abitbol & SR Garfin: Stress Dependence of Synovial Joints IN: Bone, Volume 5: Fracture Repair and Regeneration. CRC Press, Inc, Boca Raton, FL, 1992, pp 33-60.
5. WH Akeson, DAmiel, JJ Abitbol and SR Garfin: The Biological Basis of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation IN: Orthopaedic Rehabilitation, 2nd ed. (Eds: VL Nickel & MJ Botte), Churchill Livingstone, New York, NY 1992, pp 277-293.
6. RM Chesnut, JJ Abitbol and SR Garfin: Surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy IN: The Orthopedic Clinics of North America. The Degenerative Neck, Vol. 23 (3). Guest Eds: SR Garfin, HN Herkowitz. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, l992, pp 461-474.
7. GD Carlson, JG Heller, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Odontoid Fractures IN: Spine Trauma. (in progress)
8. S Ozanne, SR Garfin, JJ Abitbol: Burst Fractures and Teardrop Injuries IN: Spine Trauma. (accepted)
9. JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Posterolateral Decompression for Thoracolumbar Fractures: Techniques and Results IN: State-of-the Art Reviews on Spinal Fractures. (Ed. M. Lorenz). (in press)
10. JJ Abitbol, J Blair, A Vaccaro: Anterior Thoracolumbar Approaches and Instrumentation; Operative Techniques in Orthopedics (in progress)
11. JJ Abitbol, L Marshall, RM Chesnut: Posterolateral Spinal Canal Decompression for Traumatic Injuries: Surgery for Spinal Cord Injuries. (Eds: SR Garfin, BE Northrup) Raven Press, New York, 1993.
12. S Ozanne, JJ Abitbol, HN Herkowitz, SR Garfin, LT Cowers, AM Schwartz: Edwards’ Modular Spinal System: Spine: State of the Art Reviews. Vol. 8, No.2, May 1994, Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
13. JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin, W Akeson, L Mermelstein, M Osipoff, PA: Epidural Fibrosis. Revision Spine Surgery by Dr.S. Margulies, Aebi and Farcy.
14. SR Garfin, B Blair, F Eismont, JJ Abitbol: Thoracic and Upper Lumbar Spine Injuries. Skeletal Trauma. 2nd Edition. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1998 Vol One, pp 1035-1094.
15. R Benz, JJ Abitbol, S Ozanne, SR Garfin: Cervical Burst Fractures. SpineTrauma; Levine, Eismont, Garfin, Ziegler. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 1998. pp. 300-316.
16. Z Abraham, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Teardrop Fractures of the Cervical Spine. Spine Trauma by Levine, Eismont, Garfin, Ziegler. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 1998. pp. 317-330.
17. JJ Abitbol, TJ Dowling, R Benz, JP Kostuik: Adult Scoliosis. The Spine. Fourth Edition. WB Saunders, Philadelphia PA. Volume 1, section 4, chapter 31, pp 809-834.
18. P Connelly, JJ Abitbol, R Martin, H Yuan: Spine: Trauma. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update – Spine. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1997. Section 4, pp 197-218.
19. JJ Abitbol, L Marshall, R Chestnut: Posterolateral Spinal Canal Decompression for Traumatic Injuries. Principals and Techniques in Spine Surgery. Surgery for Spinal Cord Injuries. Raven Press, NY. 1993. pp 239-244.
20. JJ Abitbol, JP Kostuik: Flexion injuries to the Lower Cervical Spine. The Cervical Spine, Third Edition. Lippincott-Raven, NY. 1998. Part C, pp 457-464.
21. JJ Abitbol, JP Kostuik, SR Garfin: Adult Scoliosis. Rehabilitation of the Spine. Science and Practice. Mosby Publishers, Philadelphia, PA. 1994. Part IX. pp 485- 506.
22. JJ Abitbol: Spine: Trauma. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 5. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1996.
23. JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Neck Pain. Treatment of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2nd edition. WB Saunders. (submitted)
24. GD Carlson, JG Heller, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin. Odontoid Fractures. Spine Trauma. WB Saunders Co, 1998: Chapter 16, 227-248.
25. R Benz, JJ Abitbol, S Ozzane, SR Garfin. Cervical Burst Fractures. Spine Trauma. WB Saunders, Co, 1998: Chapter 20, 300-316.
26. Z Abraham, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Teardrop Fractures of the Cervical Spine. Spine Trauma. WB Saunders, Co, 1998: Chapter 21, 317-330.
27. M Osipoff, JJ Abitbol, LE Mermelstein, SR Garfin, WH Akeson. Postlaminectomy Scar Formation. Revision Spine Surgery, Mosby, NY, 1999. Chapter 57, pp 725-743.
Articles Published:
1. P Widden, JJ Abitbol: Seasonality of Trichoderma Species in a Spruce-Forest Soil. Mycologia, LXXII, 4:775-784, July-August, l980.
2. A Hadjipavlou, L Begin, JJ Abitbol: Observation Morphologiques, Histochimiques et Ultrastructrales sur des Cultures Cellulaires in Vitro d’os Pagetiue et Normal. Union Med. Can. 1986. 115 (10): 746-750.
3. JJ Abitbol, MJ Botte, SR Garfin, and WH Akeson: The Treatment of Multiple Myeloma of the Cervical Spine With a Halo Vest. Journal of Spinal Disorders 2(4): 263-267, 1989.
4. JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Surgical Management of Cervical Disc Disease: Anterior Cervical Fusion. Seminars in Spine Surgery. l(4): 233-237, Dec. l989.
5. JJ Abitbol, M Chamberlain: Surgery Versus Radiation Therapy for Tumors of the Spine. Seminars in Spine Surgery. 2(l): 35-40, 1990.
6. JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Posterolateral Spinal Canal Decompression for Traumatic Injuries: Seminars in Spine Surgery. 2(l): 35-40, 1990.
7. MC Chamberlain, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Epidural Spinal Cord Compression: Treatment Options. Seminars in Spine Surgery 3(3): 203-209, 1990.
8. SR Garfin, MS Cohen, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers, BL Rydevik: Nerve-Roots of the Cauda Equina: The Effect of Hypotension and Acute Graded Compression on Function. Journal of Bone Joint Surgery. 72-A(8): 1185-1192, 1990.
9. JC Steinmann, S Mirkovic, JJ Abitbol, JB Massie, P Subbaiah, SR Garfin: Radiographic Assessment of Sacral Screw Placement. Journal of Spinal Disorders 3(3): 232-237, l990.
10. EJ Wall, MS Cohen, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Organization of Intrathecal Nerve Roots at the Level of the Conus Medullaris. Journal of Bone Joint Surgery 72-A(l0): l495- l499, l990.
11. JJ Abitbol, D Gendron, CA Laurin, MA Bealieu: Gluteal Nerve Damage Following Total Hip Surgery. Journal of Arthroplasty 5(4): 3l9-322, l990.
12. M Berchuck, SR Garfin, JJ Abitbol, RG Wilber: Vertebrectomy for Tumors and Infections in the Lumbar Spine. Oper. Tech. Orthop. l(l): 97-l50, l99l.
13. JC Drummond, JJ Abitbol, TJ Sanford, SR Garfin: Transient Paraplegia During Posterior Cervical Osteotomy. Anesthesiology 74: 628-630, 1991.
14. MS Cohen, EJ Wall, CW Kerber, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: The Anatomy of the Cauda Equina on CT Scans and MRI. Journal of Bone Joint Surgery. 73-B(3): 38l-384, 1991.
15. G Carlson, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Prevention of Complications in Surgical Management of Back Pain and Sciatica. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America. 22(2): 345-351, 1991.
16. M Cohen, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Principles of Spine Trauma Management. Advances in Orthopaedic Surgery. l4(6): 3ll- 3l7, l99l.
17. S Mirkovic, JJ Abitbol, J Steinman, CC Edwards, M Schaffler, J Massie, SR Garfin: Anatomic Consideration for Sacral Screw Placement. Spine l6(6): S289-S294, l99l.
18. JG Heller, GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Anatomic Comparison of the Roy-Camille and Magerl Techniques for Screw Placement in the Lower Cervical Spine. Spine l6(l0S): S552-S557, l99l. (Award for Outstanding Cervical Spine Research)
19. A Hadjipavlou, R Lisbona, D Garbuz, JJ Abitbol: Whole Body Retention of Tc-99m Phosphate in Paget’s Disease of Bone. Clin. Nucl. Med. l6(6): 435-438, 1991.
20. L Cornacchia, JJ Abitbol, JG Heller, G Schneiderman, SR Garfin, L Marshall: Blunt Injuries to the Extracranial Cerebral Vessels Associated with Spine Fractures. Spine l6(l0S): S506-S5l0, l99l.
21. RT Ballock, R Mackersie, JJ Abitbol, V Cervilla, D Resnick & SR Garfin: Can Burst Fractures Be Predicted From Plain Radiographs? Brit. Journal of Bone Joint Surgery. 74-B(1): 147-153, 1992.
22. GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, MH Krag, JP Kostuik, SL-Y Woo, SR Garfin: Screw Fixation in the Human Sacrum: An In Vitro Study of the Biomechanics of Fixation. Spine l7(6S): Sl96-203, l992.
23. M Berchuck, SR Garfin, T Bauman, JJ Abitbol: Complications of Anterior Intervertebral Grafting. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. (284):54-62, Nov 1992.
24. RM Chesnut, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Surgical Management of Cervical Radiculopathy. Indication, Techniques, and Results. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America. 23(3):461-74, July 1992.
25. TA Zdeblick, KE Warden, D ZXou, PC McAfee, JJ Abitbol: Anterior Spinal Fixators. A Biomechanical In Vitro Study. Spine. 18(4):513-7, March 1993.
26. TA Zdeblick, JJ Abitbol, DN Junz, RP McCabe, SR Garfin: Cervical Stability After Sequential Capsule Resection. Spine. 18(14):2005-8, Oct 1993.
27. JJ Abitbol, TL Lincoln, BI Lind, D Amiel, WH Akeson, SR Garfin: Preventing Postlaminectomy Adhesion. A New Experimental Model. Spine. 19(16):1809-14, Aug 1994.
28. S Ozanne, HN Herkowitz, SR Garfin, JJ Abitbol, LT Kurz: Edwards’ Modular Spinal System: Design and Use in Traumatic and Reconstructive Spine Surgery. Seminars in Spine Surgery. 4(3): l52-l74, l992.
29. SA Smith, JJ Abitbol, GD Carlson, Dr Anderson, KW Taggart, SR Garfin: The Effects of Depth of Penetration, Screw Orientation and Bone Density on Sacral Screw Fixation. Spine: 7(18): 1006-1010, 1993.
30. JJ Abitbol, L Marshall: Posterolateral Spinal Canal 25. Decompression for Traumatic Injuries. Spine: 7(2): 241-248, 1993.
31. RM Chesnut, JJ Abitbol, M Chamberlain, LF Marshall: Vertebral Collapse with Quadriparesis Due to Metastatic Gliobla Multforme: Case Report and Review of the Literature. J.l Neuro-Oncology 16: 135-140, 1993.
32. JG Heller, SR Garfin, JJ Abitbol: Disc Herniations Associated with Compression Instrumentation of Lumbar Flexion-Distraction Injuries.
33. JB Massie, JG Heller, JJ Abitbol et al: Postoperative Posterior Spinal Wound Infections. Clin. Orthop. 1992 Nov.; (284): 99-108. (90 ref.)
34. T Lincoln, B Lind, JJ Abitbol: Spinal Cord Inquiry Following Instrumentation of the Spine. Seminars in Spine Surgery. Complications in Spine Surgery. 5(2): 139-144, June 1993.
35. JJ Abitbol, TJ Dowling: Trauma of the Lumbar Spine. Editorial Review. Current Opinion in Orthopedics 6(11):104-110, 1995.
36. JJ Abitbol, SA Smith, JB Massie, GD Carlson, D Amiel, W Akeson, SR Garfin: Hyaluronan in The Prevention of Post-Laminectomy Peridural Adhesion Formation. Spine, JB Lippincott, Co. 19(16): 1809-1815, 1994.
Articles Submitted:
1. JJ Abitbol, T Zdeblick, D Kunz, R McCabe, M Cooke: A Biomechanical Analysis of Modern Anterior and Posterior Cervical Stabilization Techniques (submitted).
l. A Hadjipavlou, JJ Abitbol, J Keller, L Begin, G Tsoukas: Paget’s Disease of Bone Histochemical Staining of Tissue Culture. Orthop. Trans. 5(3): , 1981.
2. JG Heller, GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Anatomical Comparison of the Toy-Camille and Magerl Techniques for Screw Fixation of the Lower Cervical Spine Orthop. Trans. l4(3): 695, Fall 1990.
3. GD Carlson, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers, BL Rydevik, SR Garfin: The Effects of Hypotension of Nerve Root Recovery Following Acute Graded Compression. Trans. Orthop. Res. Soc 16(2): 685, 1991.
4. JJ Abitbol, J Steinmann, CC Edwards, SR Garfin: Anatomic Considerations for Sacral Screw Placement. Journal of Bone Joint Surgery. 73 – B:108 (Supp II), 1991.
5. JJ Abitbol, S Mirkovic, J Steinmann, CC Edwards, SR Garfin: Anatomic Consideration for Sacral Screw Placement. Orthop. Trans. 15(1): 42, Spring 1991.
6. SR Garfin, MS Cohen, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, R Myers,RA., BL Rydevik: The Effect of Hypotension and Acute Graded Compression on Cauda Equina Nerve Root Function. Orthop. Trans. 15(1): 225, Spring, 1991.
7. EJ Wall, MS Cohen, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Intrathecal Nerve Root Organization at the Level of the Conus Medullaris. Orthop. Trans. 15(1): 233, Spring, 1991.
8. MS Cohen, EJ Wall, CW Kerber, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Computerized Tomographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Intrathecal Cauda Equina Nerve Roots. Orthop. Trans. l5(1): 234, Spring, 1991.
9. S Mirkovic, JJ Abitbol, J Steinmann, CC Edwards, SR Garfin: Anatomic Considerations for Sacral Screw Placement. Orthop. Trans. 15(1): 235, Spring 1991.
10. MS Cohen, EJ Wall, CW Kerber, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Computerized Tomographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Intrathecal Cauda Equina Nerve Roots. Orthop. Trans. 15(2): 300-301, Summer, 1991.
11. JJ Abitbol, S Mirkovic, J Steinmann, CC Edwards, M Schaffler, SR Garfin: Anatomic Considerations for Sacral Screw Placement. Orthop. Trans. 15(2): 306-307, Summer, 1991.
12. SR Garfin, MS Cohen, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers, BL Rydevik: The Effect of Hypotension and Acute Graded Compression on Cauda Equina Nerve Root Function. Orthop. Trans. l5(2): 310-311, Summer, 1991.
13. EJ Wall, MS Cohen, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Intrathecal Nerve Root Organization at the Level of the Conus Medullaris. Orthop. Trans. 15(2): 314-315: Summer, 1991.
14. GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, MH Krag, JP Kostuik, SLY Woo, SR Garfin: Screw Fixation in the Human Sacrum: An In Vitro Study of the Biomechanics of Fixation. Orthop. Trans. 15(2): 370, Summer, 1991.
15. GD Carlson, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers, BL Raydevik, SR Garfin: The Effects of Hypotension on Nerve Root Recovery Following Acute Graded Compression. Orthop. Trans. 15(2): 578-579, Summer, 1991.
16. JJ Abitbol, L Cornacchia, J Heller, G Schniderman, D Jones, SR Garfin, L Marshall: Cerebrovascular Pathology Related to Blunt Head or Neck Trauma With Associated Spine Fractures. Orthop. Trans. 15(3): 690, Fall, 1991.
17. GD Carlson, JG Heller, SR Garfin, JJ Abitbol: Anatomical Comparison of the Roy-Camille and Magerl Techniques for Screw Fixation of the Lower Cervical Spine. Orthop. Trans. 15(3): 813, Fall, 1991.
18. MS Cohen, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers, BL Rydevik, SR Garfin: The Effect of Hypotension and Acute Graded Compression on Cauda Equina Nerve Root Function. Submitted to Orthopaedic Research Society. The International Society for Study of Lumbar Spine, Boston, June 13-17, 1990.
19. JJ Abitbol, SA Smith, JB Massie, GD Carlson, D Amiel, W Akeson, SR Garfin: Hyaluronan in the Prevention of Postlaminectomy Peridural Adhesion Formation. Orthopaedic Research Society 38th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, February 17-20, 1992.
20. GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, MH Krag, JP Kostuik, SLY Woo, SR Garfin: Screw Fixation in the Human Sacrum: An In Vitro Study of the Biomechanics of Fixation. Orthop. Trans. l6(1): 269, Spring, l992.
21. JJ Abitbol, SA Smith, D Amiel, GD Carlson, WH Akeson, SR Garfin: Hyaluronic Acid in the Prevention of Postlaminectomy Scar Formation. Orthop Trans. 17(1): 9, 1993.
22. GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, MH Krag, JP Kostuik, SLY Woo, SR Garfin: Screw Fixation in the Human Sacrum: An In Vitro Study of the Biomechanics of Fixation. Orthop. Trans. 17(1): 57, 1993.
23. SA Smith, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, GD Carlson, KW Taggart, SR Garfin: The Effects of Depth of Penetration, Screw Orientation, and Bone Density on Sacral Screw Fixation. Ortho. Trans. 18(1): 274, 1994.
24. JJ Abitbol, T Zdeblick, D Kunz, R McCabe, M Cooke: A Biomechanical Analysis of Modern Anterior and Posterior Cervical Stabilization Techniques. Orthop Trans 1993-1994.
1. JJ Abitbol: Histochemical and Ultrastructural Observations in Tissue Cultures of Bone. 37th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association. Montreal, Canada, 1981.
2. JJ Abitbol: 24 Hour Whole Body Retention Scanning in Paget’s Disease of Bone. McGill University. Montreal, Canada, March, 1986.
3. JJ Abitbol: Evaluation of Didronel Therapy in Patients with Paget’s Disease of Bone. McGill University. Montreal, Canada, April, 1987.
4. JJ Abitbol: Nerve Injury After Hip Surgery. McGill University. Montreal, Canada, April, 1987.
5. JJ Abitbol: Nerve Injury After Hip Surgery. University of Montreal. Montreal, Canada, May, 1987.
6. JJ Abitbol: Metastatic Disease of the Spine. UCSD, Division of Orthopaedics Conference. Sharp Hospital. San Diego, California, November, 1988.
7. JJ Abitbol: Spinal Column Trauma. UCSD Trauma Nursing Conference. San Diego, California, December, 1988.
8. JJ Abitbol: Natural History of Low Back Pain, the Algorithm and Spinal Cord Injury. Hall Rehabilitation Lecture. San Diego, California, January, 1989.
9. JJ Abitbol: Metastatic Disease of the Spine. UCSD Hematology/Oncology Conference. San Diego, California, February, 1989.
10. JJ Abitbol: Back Pain. Topics in Internal Medicine. Fourteenth Annual Postgraduate Course. San Diego, California, February, 1989.
11. JJ Abitbol: Internal Fixation Techniques of the Spine. Veterans Administration Hospital, Spinal Cord Injury Center. LaJolla, California, March, 1989.
l2. JJ Abitbol: Common Orthopaedic Problems in Office Practice. Sharp Hospital Internal Medicine Course. Coronado, California, March, 1989.
l3. JJ Abitbol: Metastatic Disease of the Spine. Grand Rounds, Division of Neuroscience, Veterans Administration Hospital. LaJolla, California, April, 1989.
14. JJ Abitbol: Low Back Pain Algorithms. Family Medicine Conference. San Diego, California, April, 1989.
15. JJ Abitbol: Low Back Pain Algorithms. Hospital Grand Rounds at Kennedy Hospital. Indio, California, May, 1989.
16. JJ Abitbol: Low Back pain Algorithms. Clark County Academy of Family Medicine. Las Vegas, Nevada, June, 1989.
17. RA Pedowitz et al. Presenter: JJ Abitbol. Graded Compression of the Pig Cauda Equina: Differential Recovery of Efferent and Afferent Spinal Nerve Root Conduction. Fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society. Quebec City, Canada, June 29-July 2, 1989.
18. JJ Abitbol: Degenerative Cervical Spine. West Coast Regional Senior Residency Program. Redondo Beach, California, August, 1989.
19. JJ Abitbol: Stabilization of Thoracic Lumbar Fractures. Zimmer Midwest Senior Residents Course. St. Louis, Missouri, September 16-17, 1989.
20. JJ Abitbol: Algorithm For the Treatment of Low Back Pain. CME Course Villa View Community Hospital Back Pain Symposium. San Diego, California, September 23, 1989.
21. JJ Abitbol: Algorithm For Low Back Pain. Phizer Lecture for Family Practice Physicians. LaMesa, California, September 25, 1989.
22. JJ Abitbol: Cervical Disc Disease. Hospital Grand Rounds, Valley Hospital Medical Center. LasVegas, Nevada, September 26, 1989.
23. JG Heller, GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Anatomical Comparison of the Roy-Camille and Magerl Techniques for Screw Fixation of the Lower Cervical Spine. Cervical Spine Research Society Seventeenth Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, December 5-8, 1989. (Award for Outstanding Cervical Spine Research)
24. JJ Abitbol: Algorithm For Low Back Pain. Pfizer Lecture for Family Practice Physicians. Imperial Valley, California, January 30, 1990.
25. JJ Abitbol: My Back Hurts. UCSD’s School of Medicine “Physician Heal Thyself” Conference. San Diego, California, February 19-23, 1990.
26. JJ Abitbol: Wilderness Management of Common Ortho Problems. A Potpourri of New Technology, Medical-Legal & Wilderness Medicine l2th Annual Ski-M-E, Desert Samaritan Medical Center. Steamboat Springs, Colorado, March l7-2l, 1990.
27. JJ Abitbol: Screw Design. San Diego AO Course for Nurses. San Diego, California, April 6-7, 1990.
28. JJ Abitbol: Principles of Tension Band Wiring. San Diego AO Course for Nurses. San Diego, California, April 6-7, 1990.
29. JJ Abitbol: Low Back Pain-Treatment and Diagnosis. Coronado Hospital, Coronado, California, April l7, 1990.
30. JJ Abitbol: Algorithm For Low Back Pain. Pfizer Lecture for Internal Medicine Residents. San Diego, California, April 24, 1990.
31. JJ Abitbol: Differential Diagnosis of Lumbar Disc Disease. The Spine Study Group, 7th Symposium. Orlando, Florida, April 27-30, 1990.
32. JJ Abitbol: Intrathecal Nerve Root Organization at the Level of the Conus Medullaris. American Spinal Injury Association Annual Convention. Orlando, Florida, May 3-5, 1990.
33. JJ Abitbol: The Effect of Hypotension and Acute Graded Compression on Cauda Equina Nerve Root Function. American Spinal Injury Association Annual Convention. Orlando, Florida, May 3-5, 1990.
34. R Ballock, TA, R MacKersie, JJ Abitbol, V Cervilla, D Resnick, SR Garfin: Can Burst Fractures Be Predicted From Plain Radiographs? American Spinal Injury Association Annual Convention. Orlando, Florida, May 3-5, 1990.
35. JJ Abitbol: Osteoporosis. Health Watch Radio Show, UCSD School of Medicine. San Diego, California May 6, 1990.
36. JJ Abitbol: What’s New in Spinal Instrumentation. Lamplighter Orthopaedic Association’s 35th Annual Meeting. San Diego, California, May 9-12, 1990.
37. JJ Abitbol: What’s New in Spinal Instrumentation (FDA Pending/FDA Approved). WOA Spring Retreat/San Diego Chapter. Lake Arrowhead, California, May 31-June 3, 1990.
38. JJ Abitbol, MS Cohen, EJ Wall, CW Kerber, SR Garfin: Intrathecal Anatomy of the Conus Medullaris and Cauda Equina: Correlation of MR, CT and Anatomic Dissection. The Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada, June 3-7, 1990.
39. SR Garfin, MS Cohen, EJ Wall, JJ Abitbol: Intrathecal Nerve Root Anatomy of the Conus Medullaris and Cauda Equina. The American Orthopaedic Association, Final Scientific Program of the l03rd Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts, June l0-14, 1990.
40. MS Cohen, EJ Wall, CW Kerber, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Computerized Tomographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Intrathecal Cauda Equina Nerve Roots. The International Society For the Study of the Lumbar Spine. Boston, Massachusetts, June 13-17, 1990.
41. JJ Abitbol, S Mirkovic, J Steinmann, CC Edwards, M Schaffler, SR Garfin: Anatomic Considerations for Sacral Screw Placement. The International Society For the Study of the Lumbar Spine. Boston, Massachusetts, June 13-17, 1990.
42. EJ Wall, MS Cohen, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Intrathecal Nerve Root Organization at the Level of the Conus Medullaris. The International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. Boston, Massachusetts, June 13-17, 1990.
43. SR Garfin, MS Cohen, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers, BL Rydevik: The Effect of Hypotension and Acute Graded Compression on Cauda Equina Nerve Root Function. The International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. Boston, Massachusetts June 13-17, 1990.
44. EJ Wall, MS Cohen, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Intrathecal Nerve Root Organization at the Level of the Conus Medullaris. North American Spine Society Fifth Annual Meeting. Monterey, California, August 8-11, 1990.
45. SR Garfin, MS Cohen, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers, BL Rydevik: The Effect of Hypotension and Acute Graded Compression on Cauda Equina Nerve Root Function. North American Spine Society Fifth Annual Meeting. Monterey, California, August 8-11, 1990.
46. MS Cohen, EJ Wall, CW Kerber, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Computerized Tomographic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Intrathecal Cauda Equina Nerve Roots. North American Spine Society Fifth Annual Meeting. Monterey, California, August 8-11, 1990.
47. S Mirkovic, JJ Abitbol, J Steinman, CC Edwards, M Schaffler, SR Garfin: Anatomic Considerations for Sacral Screw Placement. North American Spine Society Fifth Annual Meeting. Monterey, California, August 8-11, 1990.
48. JG Heller, GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Anatomical Comparison of the Roy-Camille and Magerl Techniques for Screw Fixation of the Lower Cervical Spine. American Paraplegia Society 36th Annual Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4-6, 1990.
49. JJ Abitbol, S Mirkovic, J Steinmann, CC Edwards, SR Garfin: Anatomic Considerations for Sacral Screw Placement. Scoliosis Research Society 25th Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii, September 23-27, 1990.
50. JJ Abitbol, EJ Wall, MS Cohen, SR Garfin: Intrathecal Nerve Root Organization at the Level of the Conus Medullaris. Scoliosis Research Society 25th Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii, September 23-27, 1990.
51. TA Zdeblick, KE Warden, D Zou, PC McAffee, JJ Abitbol: Anterior Spinal Fixators: A Biomechanical In-Vitro Study Scoliosis Research Society 25th Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii, September 23-27, 1990.
52. JJ Abitbol: Thoracolumbar Fractures: Instrumentation. UCSD’s Orthopaedic Update: Current Concepts and Advances. San Diego, California, October 4-6, 1990.
53. JJ Abitbol: Acute Hospital Care of Spinal Cord Injury Patients. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons One Day Course: Evaluation and Treatment of Spinal Trauma. Long Beach, California, October 6, 1990.
54. JJ Abitbol: Late Treatment of Spinal Deformity. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons One Day Course: Evaluation and Treatment of Spinal Trauma. Long Beach, California, October 6, 1990.
55. S Mirkovic, JJ Abitbol, C Edwards, SR Garfin: Anatomic Considerations for Sacral Screw Placement. Western Orthopaedic Association 54th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas, October 14-18, 1990.
56. JJ Abitbol: An Algorithm for the Treatment of Common Low Back Pain. UCSD’s Medicine Today. San Diego, California, October 25-27, 1990.
57. R Ballock, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Can Burst Fractures Be Predicted >From Plain Radiographs? Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 7-10, 1990.
58. G Carlson, J Heller, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Anatomical Comparison of the Roy-Camille and Magerl Techniques for Screw Fixation of the Lower Cervical Spine. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 7-l0, 1990.
59. JJ Abitbol: An Algorithm for Low Back Pain. Pfizer Lecture for Riverside General Hospital. Riverside, California, November 14, 1990.
60. Abitbol, J.J.: Spinal Stabilization. Orthopedic and Neurosurgeons Conference, Grossmont Hospital. San Diego, California, November 15, 1990.
61. JJ Abitbol, L Cornacchia, J Heller, G Schniderman, D Jones, SR Garfin, L Marshall: Cerebrovascular Pathology Related to Blunt Head or Neck Trauma With Associated Spine Fractures. Cervical Spine Research Society Eighteenth Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas, November 28 – December 1, 1990.
62. JJ Abitbol: Physician Health Thyself, San Diego, CA, February, 1991. Course Chairman.
63. GD Carlson, DR Anderson, JJ Abitbol, MH Krag, JP Kostuik, SR Garfin, SLY Woo: The Effects of Screw Orientation, Linkage and Bone Density on Sacral Screw Fixation. Orthopaedic Research Society 37th Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, March 4-7, l991.
64. GD Carlson, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers, BL Rydevik, SR Garfin: The Effects of Hypotension on Nerve Root Recovery Following Acute Graded Compression. Orthopaedic Research Society 37th Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, March 4-7, 1991.
65. GD Carlson, JG Heller, SR Garfin, JJ Abitbol: Anatomical Comparison of the Roy-Camille and Magerl Techniques for Screw Fixation of the Lower Cervical Spine. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, March 7-12, l991.
66. SR Garfin, MS Cohen, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers, BL Rydevik: The Effect of Hypotension and Acute Graded Compression on Cauda Equina Nerve Root Function. Federation of Spine Associations Sixth Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, March 10, 1991.
67. EJ Wall, MS Cohen, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Intrathecal Nerve Root Organization at the Level of the Conus Medullaris. Federation of Spine Associations Sixth Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, March 10, l991.
68. JG Heller, GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Anatomical Comparison of the Roy-Camille and Magerl Techniques for Screw Fixation of the Lower Cervical Spine. Federation of Spine Associations Sixth Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, March 10, 1991.
69. JJ Abitbol: Indications and Results of Decompression and Correction in Late Kyphotic Deformity. Sharp Memorial Hospital’s “Spinal Trauma Seminar: A Day With Professor Kaneda”. San Diego, California, April 6, 1991.
70. JJ Abitbol: Problem Adult Deformity Surgery. Cotrel-Dubousset Instrumentation Course, Scoliosis Center of San Diego, Children’s Hospital. San Diego, California, April 22-23, 1991.
71. JJ Abitbol: Sacral Anatomy and Mechanics of Sacral Screw Placement. Cotrel-Dubousset Instrumentation Course, Scoliosis Center of San Diego, Children’s Hospital. San Diego, California, April 22-23, 1991.
72. G Carlson, JJ Abitbol, D Anderson, M Krag, J Kostuik, SLY Woo, SR Garfin: Screw Fixation in the Human Sacrum: An In Vitro Study of the Biomechanics of Fixation. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine l8th Annual Meeting. Heidelberg, Germany, May 12-16, 1991.
73. JJ Abitbol, S Mirkovic, J Steinmann, CC Edwards, SR Garfin: Anatomic Considerations for Sacral Screw Placement. Canadian Orthopaedic Association 46th Annual Convention and Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society 25th Annual Meeting. Calgary, Alberta, June 2-6, 1991.
74. GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, MH Krag, JP Kostuik, SLY Woo, SR Garfin: Screw Fixation in the Human Sacrum: An In Vitro Study of the Biomechanics of Fixation. North American Spine Society Sixth Annual Meeting. Keystone, Colorado, July 31 – August 3, 1991.
75. JJ Abitbol: Differential Diagnosis of Lumbar Disc Disease. The Spine: Current Concepts of Diagnosis & Treatment 8th Symposium. Scottsdale, Arizona, October 18 -21, 1991.
76. SA Smith, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, GD Carlson, KW Taggart, SR Garfin: The Effects of Depth of Penetration, Screw Orientation and Bone Density of Sacral Screw Fixation. Orthopaedic Research Society 38th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., February 17-20, l992.
77. JJ Abitbol, SA Smith, JB Massie, GD Carlson, D Amiel, WH Akeson, SR Garfin: Hyaluronan in the Prevention of Postlaminectomy Peridural Adhesion Formation. Orthopaedic Research Society 38th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., February 17-20, 1992.
78. JJ Abitbol, L Cornacchia, J Heller, G Schniderman, D Jones, SR Garfin, L Marshall: Cerebrovascular Pathology Related to Blunt Head or Neck Trauma With Associated Spine Fractures. Federation of Spine Associations Seventh Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., February 23, 1992. 78. JJ Abitbol: Anatomy and the Function of the Lumbar Spine. Symposium on Low Back Pain: The Present and the Future. Tucson, Arizona, March 11 – 14, 1992.
80. JJ Abitbol: The Role of Surgery for Treatment of Back Pain. California Medical Association Annual Session and Western Scientific Assembly. Anaheim, California, March 13 – 18, 1992.
81. SA Smith, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, GD Carlson, KW Taggart, SR Garfin: The Effects of Depth of Penetration, Screw Orientation, and Bone Density of Sacral Screw Fixation. North American Spine Society 7th Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts, July 9-11, 1992.
82. JJ Abitbol, T Zdeblick, D Kunz, R McCabe, M Cooke: A Biomechanical Analysis of Modern Anterior and Posterior Cervical Stabilization Techniques; Cervical Spine Research Society. Palm Desert, California, December 3 – 5, l992.
83. JJ Abitbol: Physician Health Thyself, San Diego, CA, February 1993. Course Chairman.
84. TL Lincoln, B Lind, JJ Abitbol, WH Akeson, SR Garfin: Preventing Post Laminectomy Adhesion: A New Experimental Model. Orthopaedic Research Society 39th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California. February 15-18, 1993.
85. JJ Abitbol: Critical Lumbar Spine Anatomy. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. June, 1993.
86. JJ Abitbol: Complications of Cervical Spine Screw Fixation. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. June, 1993.
87. JJ Abitbol: Biomechanical Testing of the Cervical Spine. Semmes-Murphy Education & Research Institute, June, 1993.
88. JJ Abitbol, T Zdeblick, D Kunz, R McCabe, M Cooke: A Biomechanical Analysis of Modern Anterior and Posterior Cervical Stabilization Techniques; North American Spine Society. October 1993.
89. JJ Abitbol: Thoracolumbar Trauma. State of Spine Symposium. November 12-15, 1993.
90. JJ Abitbol, T Zdeblick, D Kunz, R McCabe, M Cooke: A Biomechanical Analysis of Modern Anterior and Posterior Cervical Stabilization Techniques; Cervical Spine Research Society. December, 1993.
91. JJ Abitbol, T Zdeblick, D Kunz, R McCabe, M Cooke: A Biomechanical Analysis of Modern Anterior and Posterior Cervical Stabilization Techniques; Federation of Spine Associations. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 27, 1994.
92. TL Lincoln, JJ Abitbol, BI Lind, SR Garfin, D Amiel, WH Akeson: Preventing Post Laminectomy Adhesion: A New Experimental Model. 8th Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society, San Diego, CA, October 14-16, 1993.
93. JJ Abitbol: Physician Health Thyself, San Diego, CA, February, 1994. Course Chairman.
94. JJ Abitbol: Featured Speaker: Lumbosacral Fixation Techniques. 6th Annual Spine Workshop, USUHS, Bethesda, Maryland, June 6 &17, 1994.
95. JJ Abitbol: Transverse Incision Approach. Cervical Spine Locking Plate. Anterior Surgical Approaches to the Spine. Memphis, TN. July 30-31, 1994.
96. JJ Abitbol: Treatment of Metastatic Disease to the Spine. State of Spine Symposium. November 3-6, 1994.
97. P Cooper, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin, R Linovitz: Adult Cervical Spine. San Diego Spine Symposium & Workshop, San Diego, California. November 18-20, 1994.
98. JJ Abitbol: Physician Health Thyself, San Diego, CA, February, 1995. Course Chairman.
99 . JJ Abitbol: Extrapharyngeal Approach to the Cervical Spine. Anterior Approach Course, Memphis, TN. April, 1995.
100. JJ Abitbol: Orthopaedic Approach to Treatment of the Lumbar Disc and the Sprain Strain Mechanism. Second Multi-Disciplinary Conference. June, 1995.
101. JJ Abitbol: “Updates in Medullar Shock Management.” Cervical Instability. Evaluation and Initial Stabilization.” Mexican Orthopaedic Association National Meeting, Tiajuana and San Diego, October 27-November 1, 1995.
102. JJ Abitbol: Neck Pain: Symptoms and Natural History. Cervical Spine Research Society, New Mexico. November 29-December 3, 1995.
103. JJ Abitbol: Upper Cervical Spine Trauma. 1996 Update: Cervical Spine Injuries. Ninth Annual Ski with Spine Center, Whistler, B.C., Canada. January, 1996.
104. JJ Abitbol: Clinical and Experimental Indications for Spine Fusions. Future Challenges to Spine Surgery, Palm Springs, CA. February 2, 1996.
105. JJ Abitbol: Seventh Annual Physician Heal Thyself, San Diego, CA, February 19-23, 1996. Course Chairman.
106. JJ Abitbol: History of Percutaneous Discectomy. Moderator: Advanced Materials in Spine Surgery – Bone Graft Substitute. Teacher: Laparoscopic Spine Surgery Workshop. New Frontiers in Spine Surgery, Strasbourg, France. April 11-13, 1996.
107. JJ Abitbol: Neck Pain: Symptoms and Natural History. Cervical Spine Research Society: The Neck: Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Spine Disorders. Palm Beach, Florida. December 7-9, 1996.
108. SR Garfin, JJ Abitbol (Moderator): Section IV: Cervical Spine Research Society. Federation of Spine Association, San Francisco, California. February 16, 1997.
109. JJ Abitbol: General Anatomy & Surgical Approach for Open Anterior Spine Surgery Indications for Open Anterior Spine Surgery. Open and Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Lumbar and Thoracic Spine, Memphis, Tennessee, March 21-22, 1997.
110. JJ Abitbol: Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusions with Bone Dowels. Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. May, 1997.
111. JJ Abitbol: 9th Annual International Spine Workshop Minimally Invasive Course. Moderator for Case Presentations – Live Pig Lab. Bethesda, Maryland. May 14-16, 1997.
112. JJ Abitbol: Featured Speaker. 9th Annual International Spine Workshop, USUHS, Bethesda, Maryland, May 14-16, 1997.
113. JJ Abitbol: History of the FDA, Tampa, Florida. Florida Spine Study. July 1997.
114. JJ Abitbol: Stealth T.G.P. Opportunities and Challenges. 1997 Image Guided System Think Tank for Spine Surgeons. Driggs, Idaho. July 30-August 3, 1997.
115. JJ Abitbol: Anterior Cervical Plate. 4th International Neurotrauma Symposium. Seoul, Korea. August 23, 1997.
116. JJ Abitbol: Threaded Femoral Cortical Dowels for Treatment of Lumbar Degenerative Motion Segment Pain: A radiologic Analysis and early Clinical Experience – paper. Principles and Methods of Sacroiliac Fixation. 8th International Conference on Lumbar Fusion and Stabilization ’97. San Antonio, Texas, September 30-October 4, 1997.
117. JJ Abitbol: Thoracoscopic Corpectomy & Discectomy. Moderator: Laparoscopic Surgery/Interbody Fusion with Live Pigs. New Frontiers in Spine Surgery. Spinal Science Advancement Foundation – Strasbourg, France, October 12-October 15, 1997.
118. JJ Abitbol: Laparoscopy Surgery/Interbody Fusion with Live Pigs Workshop. New Frontiers in Spine Surgery, Strasbourg, France, October 13-15, 1997.
119. JJ Abitbol: Threaded Femoral Cortical Dowels for the Treatment of Lumbar Degenerative Motion Segment Pain: A Radiologic Analysis and Early Clinical Experience. North American Spine Society. New York, New York. October 21- October 25, 1997.
120. JJ Abitbol: Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine. Anterior Approaches. Memphis, Tennessee, November 6-7, 1997.
121. JJ Abitbol: Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine. Anterior Approaches. Memphis, Tennessee. November 6-7, 1997.
122. JJ Abitbol: Moderator: Cervical Fusion. Cervical Spine Research Society 25th Annual Meeting. Rancho Mirage, California. December 4-6, 1997.
123. JJ Abitbol: Laparoscopy Session, Bowel Dowels and Techniques for Placement. Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Ethicon Facility, Somerville, NJ. December 12-13, 1997.
124. JJ Abitbol, G Lowery, T Whitecloud, M Smith: Anterior Cervical Fixation. Total Spine – 1998, Cancun, Mexico. January 30-February 1, 1998.
125. JJ Abitbol, T Zdeblick, S Kitchel, S Heim, H Sandhu: Laparoscopic Techniques with Threaded Cortical Dowels and Tapered Cages. Total Spine – 1998, Cancun, Mexico. January 30-February 1, 1998.
126. JJ Abitbol, S Kitchel, H Sandhu: Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Threaded Dowel and Metal Cage. Total Spine – 1998, Cancun, Mexico. January 30-February 1, 1998.
127. JJ Abitbol: Spondylolisthesis Reduction: Technical Advances. Anterior Scoliosis Correction. Cervical Spine Imaged Guided Spine Surgery (Moderator) Total Spine: Advanced Concepts and Constructs. Cancun, Mexico. January 30-February 1, 1998.
128. JJ Abitbol: Surgical Management of High Grade Spondylolisthesis. AO/ASIF Comprehensive Spine Course. Los Cabos, Mexico. February 19-22, 1998.
129. JJ Abitbol: Moderator FOSA. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. March 20-22, 1998.
130. JJ Abitbol: Management of High Grade Spondylolisthesis, Lumbar Spine, Evaluation Including Post Surgical Considerations, Athletic Injuries of the Cervical Spine, Field Management of Cervical Spine Injuries. Sports Medicine Symposium, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York. April, 1998
131. JJ Abitbol: Initial Assessment Errors – Spinal Stability. Post Traumatic Cervical Spinal Deformity. Panel Discussion – Bilateral Cervical Facet Dislocation. Third Annual Indiana Spine Trauma Symposium, Indianapolis, Indiana. May 2, 1998.
132. JJ Abitbol: “Posterior Lumbar Internal Fixation.” “Anterior Lumbar Internal Fixation.” Spinal Instrumentation Workshop. Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA. June 13-14, 1998.
133. JJ Abitbol: Advances in Spinal Instrumentation. 37th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Medical Society of Paraplegia 1998, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. June 18-20, 1998.
134. JJ Abitbol: North American Spine Society, San Francisco, California. October 27-31, 1998. Program Chairman.
135. JJ Abitbol: Overview, History & Evolution of Interbody Surgery. Complications and Revision Strategies for Interbody Procedures. Open and Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Lumbar and Thoracic Spine, Memphis, Tennessee. Co-Chairman Course. November, 1998.
136. JJ Abitbol: Moderator. Algorithm for Revision of Interbody Devices. Clinical Update: Lumbar Interbody Fusion 1998. Orthopaedic Physician Associates. Seattle, Washington. November 14, 1998.
137. JJ Abitbol: Spondylolisthesis/Screw Problems. Grafting Alternatives for ACDF. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Contemporary Issues in Advanced Spinal Surgery. Rosemont, Illinois. November 20-22, 1998.
138. JJ Abitbol: Treatment of Complications Related to Posterior Cervical Lateral Mass Plating. Cervical Spine Research Society 26th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. December 3-5, 1998.
139. JJ Abitbol: Microendoscopic Discectomy: Indications, Techniques and Outcomes. The Management of Vertebral Intercorporeal Disorders – What Works & What Doesn’t. GIDC, Chicago, IL. December 5-6, 1998.
140. JJ Abitbol: Moderator FOSA. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California. February 5-7, 1999.
141. JJ Abitbol: Fundamentals Principals and Techniques in Spinal Surgery. Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona. May 6-8, 1999.
142. AL Carl, JP Kostiuk, JJ Abitbol, C Huckell, M Matsumoto, A Sieber: Intradiscal Cage Complications – A General Consensus. American Orthopaedic Association 113th Annual Meeting, Hot Springs, Virginia. June 14-17, 2000.
l. GD Carlson, JB Massie, JJ Abitbol, MR Swenson, RR Myers BL Rydevik, SR Garfin: The Effects of Hypotension on Nerve Root Recovery Following Acute Graded Compression. Orthopaedic Research Society 37th Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, March 4 – 7, 1991.
2. C Lavernia, R Lyon, JJ Abitbol: Economic Implications of Prosthetic Selection in Hemiarthroplasty of the Hip. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, March 7 – l2, l99l.
3. GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, MH Krag, JP Kostuik, SLY Woo, SR Garfin: Screw Fixation in the Human Sacrum. An in Vitro Study of the Biomechanics of Fixation. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Meeting. Heidelberg, Germany, May l2-l6, l99l.
4. GD Carlson, JJ Abitbol, DR Anderson, JJ Krag, JP Kostuik, SLY Woo, SR Garfin: Screw Fixation in the Human Sacrum: An in Vitro Study of the Biomechanics of Fixation. Canadian Orthopaedic Association 46th Annual Convention and Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society 25th Annual Meeting. Calgary, Alberta, June 2 – 6, l99l.
5. S Smith, JJ Abitbol, D Anderson, G Carlson, K Taggart, S Garfin: The Effects of Depth of Penetration, Screw Orientation and Bone Density on Sacral Screw Fixation. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, l9th Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, May 20 – 24, l992.
6. TA Zdeblick, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin, D Kunz, R McCabe, ME Cooke: Cervical Stability Following Sequential Capsule Resection; Cervical Spine Research Society 20th Annual Meeting. Palm Desert, California. December 3-5, 1992.
7. TL Lincoln, B Lind, JJ Abitbol, D Amiel, WH Akeson, SR Garfin: Preventing Post Laminectomy Adhesion: A New Experimental Mode. 20th Annual Meeting International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Marseilles, France, June 15-19, 1993.
8. JB Massie, JJ Chiu, JJ Abitbol, SR Garfin: Collagen Membrane as an Agent Used in the Prevention of Post Laminectomy Epidural and Nerve Root Scar Formation. Orthopaedic Research Society. 44th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 16-19, 1998.
1. Histochemical and Ultrastructural Observations in Tissue Culture of Bone. Lady Davis Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1982 – 1984.
2. Evaluation of Didronel Therapy in Patients with Paget’s Disease of Bone. Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
3. 24 Hour Whole Body Retention Scanning in Paget’s Disease of Bone. Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1985 – 1986.
4. Nerve Injury After Hip Surgery. McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
5. Prevention of Epidural Scarring (Rabbit Model). University of California, San Diego, U.S.A., 1988 – present.
6. Cauda Equina and Cord Injury – (Pig Model). University of California, San Diego, U.S.A., 1989 – present.
7. Sacral Screw Fixation in Humans – A Biomechanical and Anatomical Study in Human Cadavers. University of California, San Diego, U.S.A., 1989-present.
8. Study of Epidural Scar Prevention (Dog Model). University of California, San Diego, U.S.A., 1989 – present.
9. Biomechanical Comparisons of Cervical Plate Fixation Systems, 1992.